What makes me human is what makes me aware. Emotions, ending devotions natural potions all ended up mixing as a dare. I was created there. At the age of 15 which seems supreme I was awoken with a token of humanity which seemed to be a problem in reality. At 16 the next step of humanity came in front of me when I saw the devils saw near my leg which was a problem...maybe. It was just as scary as seeing if she would date me so I could escape ones related to me and experience a connection away from family. When that connection sparked I now could see in the darkest of dark. Lighting up a world previously unseen. There was now someone who I could hold on from now on.
As soon as this connection sparked in my brain I felt like I wanted to go do things and be on my feet walking the streets of salt lake having a good day in liberty park or handing out vegan burritos to the homeless. So In turn, what makes me human is the connection of love.
mmmm good